Swags from Student Code-in🎇

How I landed up in top 5 Contributors💯



My first Open Source Contribution program and is a true inspiration for beginners!

Student Code-in

Much like the people reading this blog I was scared and unaware of what all happens in the rapidly advancing tech industry and completely clueless on how can a naive techie like me could ever make through the “cool” things here!!

Then, I came across Student Code-in ,open source program which welcomed newbies to get their hands dirty and dive into the big world which is open for all programmers!.

The Invitation Card!! Yay.

What is Student code-in?

Student Code-in is a 8 weeks long open source project. In this,all the registered participants would get an exquisite opportunity to interact with the mentors and the Organizing Team .

A more detailed information can be found on their official site.

My Journey🛺

After we received the selection card, the next thing was the community period wherein you get to know fellow participants, mentors and most importantly the PROJECTS😍.

Selecting the right project which compliments your skills and at the same time has an objective is important because it will define your performance and enthusiasm over the next months.

My Project😎

I was more interested in IoT and even had a prior experience of working with IoT devices like Raspberry Pi and Arduino, hence I went for Image Recognition and Classification device for blind people.

The project description!

The 2 Month Marathon!🛴

I have seen most people get way too excited in the beginning and end up draining their enthusiasm till the middle of the programs and they are no longer in the race.

Photo by Isaac Wendland on Unsplash

You need to spread your energy throughout the span of 2 or 3 months to be able to successfully complete it.

We had frequent e meets over google meet to discuss, update, or solve conflicts or issues that came up. And also to get insights from our Project Admin.

My Contributions

I was able to develop complete App for the problem statement and a great documentation listed below.

GitHub Repository👩‍💻

YouTube Video🎞

Medium Articles📰

What I learnt!👍

One of the most important thing I learnt was documenting my projects and realizing how important writing clean and understandable code is.

Open Source teaches you the Software Development practices that go a long way in the life of a developer.

The Results

Landed as the top 5th🏆 Contributor of the program!! And also received some cool swags😍

I am grateful to everyone who contributed their bits in making my 8 week journey a great experience and a life long memory!

